Topic outline
An introduction to the Year 2 package and its links to the Australian Curriculum.
A list of equipment needed for each activity within the PALMS 2 package. To assist you with planning and preparations.
Students are asked to consider essential and non-essential resources.
Students consider above ground water sources by observing you 'making rain', testing whether water always flows downhill, considering man-made and natural water collectors and collecting rainfall.
Students examine how water level varies, how water moves, what aquifers look like and how they are recharged.
Discussion around water transport in Perth, with a demonstration, as well as an examination of how height increases water pressure.
Students discuss the history of water treatment and have a go at decantation.
Students view a sand filtration demonstration and have a go at basic filtration themselves.
Students consider how much water is needed for a range of purposes and how important water has been over time. They finish with a heartwarming story from WA.
Ideas for saving water at school.
The first PALMS Parent Power (PPP) activity for this series. This take home sheet updates parents and guardians on what their child has been doing in Science and suggests activities they may like to complete at home.
Students learn Australia's water history and how Aboriginal people sourced water. They also have a go at creating their own symbol for water after learning about the significance of pteroglyphs.
Students learn some interesting facts about soils, help to create 'soil', use their senses (except taste) to examine soils and consider what we use soils for.
Students examine relative proportions of humus in soils and consider the purpose of mulch.
Students find out all that goes into soils by following Willie the worm's story.
Students produce a poster around a soil related topic of their choice (suggestions provided).
Students undertake revision using the fishbone graphic organiser.
The second PALMS Parent Power (PPP) activity for this series. This take home sheet updates parents and guardians on what their child has been doing in Science and suggests activities they may like to complete at home.
Students consider clean air as a resource, observe dust in the air, consider the issues associated with polluted air and test air quality around the school.
Suggested activities and a source of minerals for students to examine.